One of the most exciting, fun and loving but bizarre events in the Atenism
lifestyle and tradition is the marriage ceremony.
Your first experience of the Atenism marriage traditions will reshape, and broaden
your mindset about female dominance. In the Atenism marriage traditions, the pride
of every bride is leading a potential husband naked on collar and leash down to the
podium for wedding.
The mistress is expected to have properly groomed her slave and potential husband in
the lifestyle and it is willing to follow the mistress' direction accordingly. The
Atenism marriage is duly planned and monitored by the organization's marriage
committee in line with the potential couple and high priestess administers the
wedding vows and code of marriage. However, a potential husband is well informed of
the entire processes in detail to it's understanding.
Our mission is to hunt, and subdue men of all categories into slave and female servants. To rescue and provide aids for a female child and build a society where females shall have their rightful place as the head.
Creating awareness for the female child to act in their full capacity as the head